Saturday, November 10, 2012

Can Laser Eye Surgery Correct This Condition

Farsightedness and laser eye surgery may not seem to be a good option at first glance. But the success of LASIK has proven that there is finally a surgical technique to correct this vision problem.
What is Hyperopia or farsightedness? It's a vision problem where persons can see distant objects clearly but experience difficulty in seeing objects close up.
In a normal eye, the light that enters focuses directly on the retina. Those with farsightedness, experience light as focusing behind the retina. This happens when the corneas are flatter, or the eye is shorter.
Is this option: farsightedness and laser eye surgery worth looking into? Yes and a brief explanation of how LASIK and CK works, both recommended surgical techniques for this condition would help you make up your mind.
CK stands for Conductive Keratoplasty and is an FDA approved procedure. In this operation, a small probe, thinner than a strand of human hair, is used to release radiofrequency (RF) energy. The probe goes around in a circular pattern on the outer cornea to shrink small areas of corneal tissue. This circular shrinkage pattern creates a constrictive band (think of the belt tightening the waistline) and increasing the curvature of the cornea.
During the LASIK (Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis) surgical procedure, the surgeon will fold the flap and remove corneal tissue underneath by the use of the excimer laser. This very precise laser removes very tiny bits of tissue thereby reshaping it. Of the two, which option for farsightedness and laser eye surgery, should you consider?
The advantages OF LASIK are it's an older technique compared to CK which was just recently approved by FDA in 2002. Operation time is relatively fast, from 15 to 45 seconds on each eye. Improvement in vision is felt within 24 hours.
For CK, improved surgical techniques and technology make has made it a more stable technique. It is also non-invasive, there are no knives, or lasers or instruments inserted into the eyes. So it causes fewer complications. This operation normally takes 15 minutes to perform, and compared to LASIK it will take a week before you see improvement in your vision.
Which of these two options for farsightedness and laser eye surgery techniques is the best for you? Do some preliminary research, and make it an in-depth research on each option. Ask your optometrist, which eye surgeon, she or he believes you should see. In the initial consultation, you'll find out which procedure works for you.
What's worth remembering is you free yourself from using contacts or eyeglasses. There is a cure for farsightedness and laser eye surgery is it!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The Response To The Aging Process

The aging process does increase the need to strengthen the immune system. Aging is not synonymous with
illness. However, getting older does increase the risk for many diseases and disorders. Overall, elderly people have an
increased rate of chronic disorders, arteriosclerosis, infections, autoimmune disorders, and cancer.
This increased risk may be caused, in part, by the nature of these disorders. Most of the chronic disorders such as
arteriosclerosis are slowly progressive and do not show symptoms until they have been progressing for years.
Another significant part of this increased risk is probably related to aging changes in the immune system. The immune
system protects against diseases. It seeks out and destroys viruses, bacteria, fungi, and cancerous cells before they
can damage the body. It learns to tell the difference between "self" tissue and "non-self" particles. If you
strengthen the immune system you enhance your protection against those diseases.
Strengthen the immune system to respond to aging changes
The thymus, one of the organs of the immune system, is the site where certain immune cells called T lymphocytes or
T cells mature. The thymus begins to shrink (atrophy) after adolescence. By middle age it is only about 15% of its
maximum size.
Some of the T cells directly kill foreign particles. Others help coordinate other parts of the immune system, which
are specialized to attack different types of infections.
Although the number of T cells does not decrease with aging, T cell function decreases. This causes a weakening of
the parts of the immune system controlled by these T cells. If the T cell function are enhanced this will strengthen
the immune system.
Strengthen the immune system to counter the effects of aging changes
There is a slow, steady decrease in immunity after young adulthood. When the body is exposed to bacteria or other
microorganisms (by an actual exposure or by immunization), fewer protective antibodies may be formed or they may be
formed at a slower rate.Flu shots or other immunizations may be less effective, and protection may not last as long
as expected.
Later in life, the immune system also seems to become less tolerant of the body's own cells. Sometimes an autoimmune
disorder develops -- normal tissue is mistaken for non-self tissue, and immune cells attack certain organs or tissues.
The immune system becomes less able to detect malignant cells, and cancer risk also increases with age as a result.
The immune system also becomes less able to detect foreign particles, and infection risk is greater.
Other things also increase the risk of infections. Sensation changes, gait changes, changes in the skin structure,
and other "normal aging changes" increase the risk of injury in which bacteria can enter broken skin. Illness or
surgery can further weaken the immune system, making the body more susceptible to subsequent infections. Diabetes,
which is also more prevalent with age, can also lead to decreased immunity.
If you strengthen the immune system it will also reduce the risk of inflammation and slow wound healing. Inflammation
is an immune response, when the immune system thinks there is trouble, it sends more cells to the site of the problem
and this causes swelling, pain, redness, warmth and irritation, which are the hallmarks of inflammation. Inflammation
often indicates infection, but may also occur due to autoimmune attack on "self" tissue as well.
Many older people heal more slowly. This may be directly related to changes in the immune system, or it may be a
consequence of other problems such as diabetes or arteriosclerosis, which leads to decreased blood flow to some
parts of the body such as the lower extremities.
Also, many older people take anti-inflammatory medications (to control conditions such as arthritis) and these are
also known to slow wound healing.
How to strengthen the immune system
Just as routine immunizations are important to prevent illness in children, a few routine immunizations are important
as we get older. Adult tetanus (Td) immunizations should be given every 10 years (a booster may be given sooner if
there is a "dirty" wound).
Your health care provider may recommend other immunizations, including pneumovax (to prevent pneumonia or its
complications), flu vaccine, hepatitis immunization, or others. These optional immunizations are not necessary for
ALL older people, but are appropriate for some.
Maintaining your body in good physical condition is important to strengthen the immune system. Wheter you are in
good shape or not you should also give your system a little extra support with health supplements. Perhaps obvious,
here are the "must do's" to strengthen the immune system:
  • Exercise
  • Eat a well-balanced diet
  • Stop smoking
  • Minimize alcohol use. Moderate drinking seems to have some health benefits, but excessive drinking can cause serious damage
  • Use safety measures to avoid falls and other injuries
  • Take good health supplements specifically created to strengthen the immune system

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

An Investigation of the Types and Their Benefits

Considering the amount of irritants that are present in the air today, those who suffer from allergies and other breathing disorders are challenged to find effective ways to clean the air that they breathe within their home environment.
Not so many years ago, this simply meant making sure that the house was dusted regularly and that pets were bathed and brushed - outdoors - as often as possible, in order to cut down on the most common allergy inducing factors. Today, there's far more at stake, when we consider the types of contaminants that are present in our environment as a result of pollution. Bigger challenges, then, require better tools for providing a solution - enter, the air purifier.
The cleaning of the air within your home can be accomplished in a variety of different ways. A simple, straightforward air cleaner is designed to reduce the dust build-up within the home, offering the benefits of cleaner air and less need to perform common household chores, such as dusting. These are electronic in nature and use a basic filtering system that's designed to draw in, clean and re-circulate the air.
Air purifiers are a bit more complex, in that they are specifically designed to eliminate pollutants such as pollen and other airborne irritants, in addition to the dust that the air cleaner removes from the environment.
These purifiers are available in a number of sizes, including the portable version. In this case, the air is drawn to the bottom of the cleaner and is then pushed upward through an aluminum mesh filter. This is where the pollutants are trapped before the air is moved on to the next phase of the process.
An electronic cleaning cell (two-stage) is the next stop for the airflow, which ionizes dust particles that are invisible to the naked eye and cleans them from the air. From there, the air is diverted to an activated charcoal filter which deodorizes any odors that may remain before the air is re-circulated.
An electronic air purifier should be placed in an area where the highest amount of family traffic takes place, though it can be installed in any room of the home. Complete with a two-speed fan that can typically clean an area of up to 300 cubic feet when on the highest setting, this type of air purifier would be ideal for a room that measured 20' x 30'.
As economical as it is useful, an electronic air purifier doesn't require any special wiring, and uses less electricity than that of a 100-watt light bulb.
The electric air cleaner is utilized by placing it in the central duct system, and cleans the air through the process of electrostatic precipitation. Basically, this just means that when the furnace blows smoke and other contaminants into the air, they are forced into a filter, then a charging station that provides charges from tungsten wires.
From there, any remaining particles are forced into a collection area, where they're trapped and washed away by the cleaning process. Charcoal filters are in position to eliminate any leftover odors from the air, which is then forced out into the home for re-circulation.
Depending upon the design of your home, your economic constraints and the level of allergies that your family members possess, there's a system that will work for you. Once the air in your home is properly cleaned and purified, you'll all be breathing much easier.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Box Concerning Congestive Heart Failure

“Think outside the box!” These words show up in commercials, boardrooms, operating rooms and casual conversations. They have become the calling card of the young creative hotshot trying to secure an impressive position in a choice company. They mark the inventive thinker and condemn the one doing everything in the same old fashion. For the most part we live in a world where new is better and change in and of itself is considered a good thing.
But there are some boxes in which our thinking seems to be locked. I have in mind one particular box which conforms us to the idea that health is a matter of fixing problems after they present themselves. There is no doubt that medical science has advanced at a remarkable rate. We are daily finding cures for diseases that have plagued us for all history. But medical science is not the savior of careless living. It is time to think outside the box of waiting until there is an evident problem before we do anything about it. Or perhaps it is more accurate to say that we should return to the box that says, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”
One case in point, among many others, is demonstrated by the rise in heart disease in developed and developing countries. In particular to this article is the increase in incidence of congestive heart failure. Congestive heart failure is not so much a disease as it is the end result of heart degradation. Sometimes the cause is not known. But most often it is caused by one or more long-term ailments that stress the heart to the point that it simply can not function properly.
Here is an example. Perhaps a patient has lived with elevated blood pressure for many years. Long-term hypertension is one of the leading causes of CHF. The patient might make some efforts to reduce his blood pressure but is not overly concerned about it. After all, we live in a high speed world. Hypertension is common among the hard working. It becomes an acceptable part of every day living in the modern world.
But high blood pressure is one common condition that works for years to wear on the cardiovascular system resulting in a number of serious ailments, not the least of which is congestive heart failure. The fact that something does not kill us in a week does not logically imply that it will not kill us. Hypertension causes the heart to work harder ultimately weakening it over time. The weakening of the heart coupled with a vascular system not conducive to efficiently transporting blood due to hypertension and atherosclerosis (clogging of the arteries) can only lead to trouble. The heart gets to the point that it simply can not keep up with the work load. The patient then turns to medical science for a cure; or perhaps a miracle. Twenty years of neglect, and even abuse, is expected to fade away with the swallowing of a few pills.
The blood pressure example is just that, an example. Atherosclerosis is another. Atherosclerosis comes from the Greek words athero (meaning gruel or paste) and sclerosis (meaning hardness). The combination of the two meanings provides a rather gruesome picture of a hard paste (plaque) being deposited in our blood vessels. Not a pretty sight from any angle. When plaque buildup sufficiently restricts blood flow to the major organs serious repercussions can occur not the least of which is heart attach, stroke or long-term congestive heart failure.
It is believed by many scientists that atherosclerosis begins when damage occurs to the innermost layer of the artery. Such damage can be caused by high levels of cholesterol and triglycerides, high blood pressure, smoking, diabetes and obesity. It stands to reason, then, that controlling these conditions can go a long way toward reducing the effects of atherosclerosis and, by logical inference, congestive heart failure.
There are many more possible examples that could be given. The above represent only a couple common possibilities. But notice even in these two examples the amount of overlap. High blood pressure affects atherosclerosis buildup. Smoking has an effect on both conditions. It is the same with other conditions as well. The same, then, is also true with treatments. Taking steps to control one area of heart health usually provides beneficial results in other areas. And these benefits in return aid in prevention and treatment of CHF.
So what magical steps can we take to reduce the likelihood of developing CHF? No magic. In a sense what we need to do is to stop thinking inside the box of waiting until there is a health problem before we do anything about it. But in so doing, we need to return to an even older box; the box of prevention.
Health is, in a large part, a matter of lifestyle. Why is heart disease, and particularly congestive heart failure, on the rise in developing countries? One word: Lifestyle. While medical science is working to reduce the impact of heart disease we are working to increase its impact.
The first major factor to concern us is the lack of exercise. Most of us have jobs that exercise our brains but not our bodies. This is especially the case for those of us who are in the busy time of our lives while building careers and raising children. It is difficult to add an exercise regimen on top of all the other responsibilities that scream for our time. However, being physically fit influences much more than the strength of our muscles. The whole body requires conditioning to function properly and heart health is no exception.
Diet is perhaps the main culprit in the rise of heart disease. Face it, with all the advertisements on the radio and television promoting low fat diets and healthy eating we still don’t listen. We are in a hurry so we eat what is convenient and tasty. High cholesterol, high fat diets simply do not promote heart health. They promote hypertension and atherosclerosis, both major factors in the development of CHF. Not only do we take in way too much of the bad stuff we don’t get nearly enough of the good stuff. Most of the vegetables in the average American diet come from French fries. And most of the fruits are found in the form of bottled drinks that boast 10% real fruit juice. If we treated our cars this way they wouldn’t last long enough to pay off the loan.
Even for those that make an effort to eat well there is an additional obstacle. Farming techniques often do not produce the nutritious foods that were once available. Hormonally adjusted livestock and chemically fertilized crops are not as healthy as their organically raised counterparts. Even nutritious crops begin losing their nutritious value as soon as they are picked. Fruits and vegetables that are stored and shipped over an extended period of time provide only a fraction of their original benefit.
So what are we to do? In addition to reducing the amount of fat and cholesterol there should be a concerted effort to add ample fruits and vegetables to the diet. Of course the organically grown varieties are superior. But they are not an option for everyone. However, in most places it is possible to buy produce that is locally grown. This usually means that less time passes between harvest and consumption reducing vitamin loss. Growing your own produce is a great alternative if you have enough space.
Fish, especially cold water fish, has long been known to aid in heart health. Cultures which include fish as a significant part of the diet have demonstrably lower incidence of heart disease than cultures that eat little fish. The Omega-3 fatty acids contained in fish oils have been shown in numerous studies to reduce heart disease of many types.
Even in the best diets there are holes. Consider a good dietary supplement regimen. Many studies have verified the usefulness of supplementing for the reduction and prevention of a number of diseases including heart diseases like CHF. The particulars of these studies are beyond the scope of this essay. But one thing should be emphasized. Choose good vitamin supplements. Good supplements are manufactured much the same way as good produce is grown. Chemical equivalents are not really equivalents. The test tube may not know the difference but the body does.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Toric Lens Work

Before we can ask "How do toric lens work", we really need to understand what they do, and what they were created for.
Toric contact lenses can be soft, meaning they are made from soft plastic that can alter its shape to fit the shape of the eye. This is as opposed to hard (gas permeable - GP) lenses which are rigid in construction. A toric lens is special, in that it was designed to help correct astigmatism.
What Is Astigmatism?
Astigmatism can take two forms, but it is usually understood to mean an optical malfunction caused by a misshaping of either the cornea or the optic lens. A normal cornea is one with is round in shape, just like a ball. In an astigmatic, the shape is different, and the ends of the cornea have extended ends. More rugby ball or american football shaped. What happens then is that the light hits the cornea in two places rather than one. This is because the shape of the astigmatic eye has a steeper and flatter curve due to the shape of the cornea. This is called corneal astigmatism.
Sometimes, astigmatism is the result of an irregularly shaped optic lens, which is located behind the cornea. This is called lenticular astigmatism.
The effect to the sufferer is much the same though. Astigmatism manifests itself as slightly blurred vision, but can also cause headaches and eye aches.
How Is a Toric Lens Different To Other Contact Lenses?
When you place a contact lens in your eye, the lens sits on top of a film of water. If it didn't, your eye would be dry, and it would cause you discomfort. Because the lens is on a liquid platform, it can rotate, but in non astigmatics, this is not really a problem. However, in an astigmatic, the lens needs to stay put in order to correct the astigmatism. In a toric lens, this is achieved by weighting the lens so that the bottom is heavier than the top. This of course means that the bottom of the lens will always point downwards, ensuring that the prescription of the lens acts correctly.
There is one other difference of a toric lens over a normal one, in that the lens has two prescriptions in one. One will correct the astigmatism, and the other will correct the shortsightedness or long sightedness (depending on what you have).

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Mental and Emotional Illness

A subject that seems to be taboo is mental and emotional illness.
If a person has a physical illness or handicap we are quick to show concern and understanding. It seems too many of us seem to feel emotional and mental illness is something to be ashamed of or avoided.
The world lacks understanding and empathy for mental and emotional illness. Too few of us realize that there are those who have suffered emotional and mental illness; that have contributed to the world in a way that centuries later their work is still preserved. An artist like Van Gogh is the perfect example.
It seems that who we choose to associate with reflects our own perception of which we are.
When it's someone less than perfect we feel less than perfect through our association with him or her.
We expect people to do, act, and react in a certain way.
I wonder if we are angry at their imperfections or are the ones we see in our self.
Some people have panic attacks.
There is a lack of understanding or empathy.
We as a country have made mental and emotional illness into something to be ashamed of. So many people suffer many forms of emotional and mental illness but remain quiet, suffering alone to avoid being labeled.
People seem to believe they need to identify with perfect minds, bodies, faces, and mental and emotional well being.
Television and theater have captured our minds and thoughts of how we should be.
We are afraid to know who we really are.
No acting for me anymore; personally I'm ready to walk off stage, and just be true to myself.
Welfare and Disablity
To qualify for any type of government assistance, welfare, disability, housing, each person is carefully screened and needs proof of their situation.
Welfare has become a slave labor program,because the employers that hire people on welfare or exempt from paying min wage and also receive a tax break.
Anyone that works should be entitled to min wage according to our min .wage law,that is equal pay of min wage,regardless of race,nationality or handicap.
Our government breaks that law and allows others to do so when hiring persons who receive welfare .
To receive any type of disability be prepared for a very long hard battle.
Your personal medical records aren't enough.
You are sent to the doctors who are hired by SS, and in their view you are capable of working.Going to court takes years and possibly more than one time for disabled to receive funds.
These needy people who have no means of transportation have endles appointments to go to for screening.
They can't always rely on family or friends.
When you are in need you feel very alone and ashamed,sometime too embarrassed to ask for help.
Perhaps that is the cause of some suicides.
For those who believe that people can automatically receive money from the government do not know how well people are screened.
Than when you finally receive disability,it is about $574.00 a month.
Imagine living on that and also imagine not having any means of transportation.
People on government assistance live in proverty or below proverty level.Those who live on low income are ashamed because of society's lack of acceptance people who receive government assistance .People that receive government assistance do so because of need often at the cost of their self respect, self esteem, pride and dignity.
Bio Of Judy Arline Puckett
I am currently residing in Monroe, La.
I begin writing at the age of 11, and I’m 54 now.
I am the mother of three and the grandmother of five.
I love creative writing, poetry, digital art, art, photography, jazz, and blues music.
I write poetry and lyrics on every topic. War, peace, love, heartache, religion, and abortion, which I oppose.
I hope to write meaningful and worthwhile words that will touch hearts and make a difference in life.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

There May Be An Upside

Can we use WASP venom to spur on and activate certain proteins, which are found in the human brain to increase cell growth, brain capacity and neuron transmissions? The reason I ask is that every poison to man seems to stimulate a reaction to fight it. And the old adage “That which does not kill us makes us stronger”. Here is some interesting thoughts on the actual known and studied effects and conclusions.

Now then is such a difference. We know that the venom in WASPS is substantial. And we know that there are about 10,000 known chemicals in the brain. 2000 very prevalent and 200 or more acting in significant amounts during normal brain activity operations. Now then if these chemicals are increased in the brain they will change the current thought. I as most of us can attest that venom from a Bee or Wasp when injected increases adrenaline and increase heart rate. But what else does this do to the human. We know that this poison effects the central nervous system and therefore does act upon the brain since it is connected to the central nervous system. But what if it is exactly injected into the scalp or that part of the body where blood flows interact with the brain. What if we inject it into the brain directly? What is the Genome of the venom? Scientists have mapped out the WASP, Mosquito, Bee, Fly and those things associated with such virus or disease vectors. For instance Malaria, which kills a child every 30 seconds and about a million a year in Sub-Sahara Africa. But the ability to make venom and what it is made of and what travels within it is of significant value in creating anti-viruses, antidotes, etc. One Witch Potion, without going into witch doctor propaganda, Harry Potter Best Selling Books or hocus Pocus, it has been discussed through the ages in many cultures throughout recorded history. So then what good can this provide, what does it do to the human brain and why is it many Bee Keepers seems to be better observers and thinkers than other folks? HMMM? This is an interesting post. Yes it is and there seems to be something to this. People who are allergic to bee stings can die. Those that are not obviously have a defense mechanism and immune system, which jumps into action. But few are without some reaction.
[] .
Well before you get all excited about what this venom is made of, they have figured it out.

Turns out it has some ten amino acids in it amongst other things such a proteins. This when shot into a human even at such small amounts is not without an effect. Is it good or bad. Well it maybe good in some regards and it certainly forces the body to defend itself and therefore triggers the manufacture and discharge of a whole other set of naturally made proteins in the body. We know from the relationships between mankind and other species that throughout the last 160,000 years and as many as 1 million years we have in some form or another been living together. Everything affects everything else.

Those, which are allergic to bees are rarely allergic to wasps. And vice versa. The Wasp has certain proteins, which do not exist in bee stings. There maybe a correlation to the natural brain stimulants found in the protein PWS 120MCG/V, or that protein triggers the body to counteract the venom and forces a defense system which increases brain activity or changes the areas of the brain which are used in certain ways and for certain things. It is an observation that people who live in areas where wasps live have a percentage of intellectuals coming out of those regions who do not have the benefits of good schools, proper nurturing or balanced diet or high in protein foods which are prevalent.
What is also of interest is during hotter summers we will see a higher degree of these species in North America. And as well, more mosquitoes on other similar genome insects as well as the Killer bees we saw climb into Northern Climates during the last decade. As climates change and cycles come forth, we may find ourselves needing to study these things more and learn how to adapt and create symbiotic relationships with these insects as we attempt to share the country with them. These invaders have different niches but some which coincide and collide with mankind. We need be sure we know which is which. For instance the West Nile Virus is a real problem with animals and livestock. These are sources of our artificial food chain to sustain life as we know it.
We need to know how each creature works and its place in our lives and eco-system so that we can live accordingly and harvest the important things for ourselves. For instance if Wasps eat Mosquitoes and we can harvest the venom then we can have the best of all worlds for us. If Wasps feed on certain types of Mosquitoes such as the common house Mosquito, Culex pipiens, which sucks the blood from birds and occasionally humans, also known to spread West Nile Virus then the global heating will bring in the Wasps and they will take care of the Mosquito populations. The venom if it stings people would not transfer and the Wasps have adapted not be affected by the disease itself. Problems being that Wasps are territorial and might sting people and they just keep stinging and can cause issues such as the ones stated in the previous listed websites above. Now then if we are to really go after these mosquitoes we might have artificial robot or scare crow dummies like humans, which give off a scent or odor that the mosquitoes pick up on and then the flesh like surface would contain underneath acetone or Wasp venom proteins underneath killing the mosquito. Every member of the food chain appears to have an enemy and the giant Mosquitoes with the once inch wing span eat, the other mosquitoes but cannot sting humans, thus they too are positive contributions to the food chain which keeps the biting mosquitoes away. The protein in Wasp Venom is an interesting one and we need to study it more. The Wasp is also used to eat aphids in many places where they are sensitive to the use of insecticides or that the level of potency of insecticide to kill them is too much since the aphids, mosquitoes and other insects have grown accustomed to the insecticides and are resistant now. These are all real issues in modern farming.
There are many types of Mosquitoes about 80, which harm man or carry diseases. We know of as many types of WASPS, some of which like to eat aphids and certain smaller insects like the common house mosquito, which has killed hundreds and seems to be killing more each year with West Nile Virus, which is not very funny. Now then we also have a bark beetle problem so if we can find a genome which likes to eat sand flies for the beach goers and surfers and kite surfers, likes to eat aphids for the farmers, Culex type mosquitoes for the West Nile Situation and Bark Beetles for the forests we are good to go. Meanwhile scientists are trying to decide how to genetically modify organisms such as mosquitoes so they will not carry West Nile virus. If they do that Malaria, Yellow Fever and a host of other terrible problems maybe only one more step away. Think about it.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Our Health Report Card

Today in the United States we spend over one and a half trillion dollars a year on health care.
That represents the highest spending per person in the world. With that entire investment
one would think that Americans are the healthiest people in the world. And yet a recent
report from the World Health Organization ranked the United States 37th in overall health.
This certainly does not earn the United States an "A." If you factor in the spending, it would
even seem like we get an "F" in our state of health.
So with all this talk about health, the question is what is health?
The World Health Organization has defined an internationally recognized definition of health.
According to the World Health Organization, "health is a state of complete physical, mental
and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity."
So let's break this down.
Physical well-being is what the body lives through, enjoys and desires, as well as the agreement
with which the body interacts with the environment.
Mental well-being is what a person thinks and the processes carried out by the brain. This also
includes a spiritual balance for a state of mental harmony.
Social well-being is the harmony with which the body lives among other people and other life.
When all of these elements are in balance, a person is then considered healthy. With these
factors as a measure, is it then so surprising that so many are considered to be unhealthy?
Physical health is not the apparent absence of illness. Most chronic diseases do not, come
on suddenly. They grow through our body over time until finally the effects are severe enough
to show symptoms. It is only the appearance of symptoms that may come on suddenly. So the
absence of symptoms simply means the absence of symptoms.
In the US we have many dedicated health care professionals committing miracles in trauma care
every day. For that the US most certainly gets an A, but with the definition of health provided
by the World Health Organization, it is clear that the responsibility for health does lie with the
doctor. It is our responsibility to focus on creating a balance in the factors of health. First for
ourselves and then for others.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Ideal Choelsterol Reading

Cholesterol is a substance that is present in the human body, and is both good and bad for us. High levels of cholesterol, especially LDL or bad cholesterol can put you at an increased risk for heart diseases and strokes. Similarly, low levels of HDL or good cholesterol, can also increase your risk substantially. But what are high and low levels of cholesterol? Here's a view of ideal cholesterol readings.
Total Cholesterol
According to the total cholesterol in your body, you may have normal levels or increased levels of cholesterol.
Under 200mg/DL: This is the most desirable level of cholesterol to have. If you have cholesterol lower than 200 milligrams per deciliter of blood, then you are considered to have the optimum and normal levels of cholesterol.
Between 200 and 239mg/DL: People within this range of total body cholesterol fall into the category of borderline high risk for getting heart diseases or stroke.
240mg/DL and above: If your total body cholesterol is 240mg/DL or more, then you are at very high risk for contracting heart ailments.
Normal Levels Of HDL Cholesterol
The normal levels of HDL cholesterol are 50-60 mg/DL for women, and 40-50mg/DL for men. HDL is the good cholesterol, and levels lower than 40mg/DL can increase your risk of heart diseases.
Normal Levels Of LDL Cholesterol
Here is a chart, which will show you the optimum, normal, and high levels of LDL cholesterol.
Levels Of LDL Cholesterol     Diagnosis

Below 100mg/DL                Optimum levels

Between 100 and 129mg/DL      Normal levels

Between 130 and 159mg/DL      Borderline Risk

Between 160 and 189mg/DL      High Risk

More Than 190mg/DL            Very High Risk
Note that these readings are guidelines and are considered as part of your overall profile when a doctor makes an assessment of your ideal cholesterol readings. Some people may read high compared to others and yet be found to not be at risk. This is because cholesterol is also made naturally by the body and some people may simply have higher levels than others. However, by understanding the ideal cholesterol reading ranges and by making healthy lifestyle choices, you should be able to achieve your own ideal cholesterol levels, naturally.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Irritable Bowel Syndrome or Undiagnosed Celiac Disease

Your doctor tells you your stomach problems are from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). So he treats (or mistreats) you for your symptoms when in fact you don't have IBS. What your doctor may have missed is that you have a little known condition, celiac disease, and you don't have to suffer anymore because relief of your problems is only a change of diet away.
The National Institute of Health, estimates that over three million Americans have undiagnosed celiac disease. Why so many? Because on average it takes 11 years to get a proper diagnosis. That's 11 years millions of people are needlessly suffering. Could you be one of them?
The symptoms of celiac disease are very similar to a host of other intestinal disorders. They are: diarrhea, abdominal pain, gas, bloating, and weight loss. And many patients don't experience those signs but instead report so-called atypical symptoms, including: a blistering, itchy skin rash, anemia, short stature, delayed puberty, infertility, and tooth enamel defects. Because there are a broad range of symptoms that may be readily associated with other conditions or ailments, celiac can be difficult to diagnose and often goes undiagnosed or misdiagnosed.
So what exactly is celiac disease?
It's a genetic autoimmune disorder also known as gluten-intolerance. Gluten is found in wheat, rye, and barley and its derivatives. Therefore foods and ingredients to be avoided include such staples as most flours, bread, and pasta. If you have celiac disease your body recognizes gluten as a toxin. Toxins are essentially poisons to your body. Gluten reeks havoc on a celiac's body by causing the villi, which line the intestinal wall, to become flattened and lose the ability to absorb nutrients from food.
It is important to properly diagnose and treat celiac disease for two reasons. First, with proper treatment the small intestine will heal and your symptoms will disappear over time. The other more important reason is that if a persona with the disorder continues to eat gluten, chances of gastrointestinal cancer can increase by 40 to 100 times that of the normal population. In addition, gastrointestinal carcinoma or lymphoma develops in up to 15 percent of patients with untreated celiac disease. Osteoporosis is another condition that can be caused by failing to treat this disease.
The only acceptable treatment for celiac disease is strict adherence to a 100% gluten-free diet for life. That measure can prevent almost all complications caused by the disease - without medication - as the small intestine will steadily heal and start absorbing needed nutrients and, therefore, eliminate painful symptoms.
But a gluten-free diet is not easy. It means avoiding all products that contain wheat, rye, and barley or any of their derivatives. That challenge can prove to be a daunting task as many hidden sources of gluten are found in the ingredients of several processed foods. However, the health rewards are tremendous.
Being diagnosed with celiac is a life-changing experience. Imagine having to give up bread, pasta, and beer among other things. Where can you go out to eat? Where can you vacation? Where can you find substitutes for the foods you crave? The doctors will not have the answers to these questions. The best source of information on living with celiac is hearing from others who have "been there, done that."
If you have been suffering from intestinal problems and have not gotten relief, find out all you can about celiac disease. Educate your doctor about it. It can be diagnosed with a simple blood test. There are many support groups across the country and several books that can give you information and put you on the road to recovery.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Water Supply contain Drugs or Toxins

Water treatment plants are set up to eliminate certain types of waste materials, such as pesticides, herbicides and heavy metals from the water supply. They cannot however cope, neither are they equipped to deal with pharmaceuticals, as you will probably know, up to 90% of drugs that are taken in to our bodies, is eliminated by the kidneys and urine, so whatever passes through our bodies, eventually end up back at the water treatment plant and then in to our water supply.
Pharmaceuticals are just one of a huge number of toxins and pollutants that are present in the water supply, they can even contain the residue of DDT, which does not break down for a very long time. There can be drugs which could react adversely with drugs that you are currently taking, the list of pollutants in water supplies seem to be growing all the time.
It was brought to light initially by scientists in Germany in 1997 and published in the Journal, Chemosphere, when it was found that there were pharmaceutical drugs in the water supply for Berlin.
A number of researchers agree that the concentration of antibiotics in our water supply is currently 1000 times higher than it was in 1997, High enough to cause the mutation of e-coli bacteria in to strains that are resistant to the normal antibiotics, this has already occurred in the United States and elsewhere.
When e-coli was first found at water treatment plants, Time Magazine cover, portrayed e-coli running out of a kitchen tap or faucet, it has also been found in swimming pools.
A serious threat to public health could develop if the e-coli became resistant to most antibiotics through mutation. The continued use, or misuse of antibiotics can in time only lead to the ability of our Immune System to see us through any serious medical condition. If your Immune System is functioning efficiently, you will stand a fighting chance. In today's environment, with so many toxins, pollutants and other threats to good health, it will make sense to not only eat a healthy diet, but also take nutritional supplements especially designed to boost your immune system.
Evidence of pollution in the water supply is everywhere, a scientist discovered in Lake Mead, which supplies southern Nevada and northern Mexico that the water contained so much estrogen; it was causing male fish to produce female egg protein.
Another scientist discovered that the broad class of antibiotics in drinking water has a toxic effect on human DNA. It was also found additional cases of medication resistant bacteria are continually being reported. The reason? If bacteria encounter just enough antibiotics to irritate it, without killing it off, the bacteria will mutate and become resistant to that antibiotic.
Please remember that you not only need water to live, but you also need it to help you feel well. Headaches, fatigue weakness and other health conditions may result from not receiving sufficient supplies of water. The more that you push your system, the more body fat that you have, then it is only natural that the more water your body will need to function efficiently.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Better Aging

My friend who retired last year from years on Wall Street tells me, "I have to watch very carefully how I spend my money. I don't know how to do anything."
One of the reasons people find retirement challenging, is also the solution to the problem of better aging: we identify with roles in our lives. Worse than that, we enjoy them. They're what our life is all about or we wouldn't have been doing them in the first place.
Now my friend certainly knows how to do things. He can cook his breakfast, he's an attentive father, he knows how to mow the lawn. But to his way of thinking, now that he's no longer a broker, he "doesn't know how to do anything."
Whether it's being a manager, a doctor, or a mother, a recent study confirms we do best when have control over roles we value, and that this is more important than a sense of control over life itself. ["Role-Specific Feelings of Control and Mortality," Neal Krause, Ph.D., and Benjamin A. Shaw, Ph.D.; Psychology and Aging, Vol. 15, No. 4.]
What does this mean to you and me on a daily basis?
In the study, conducted over 6-7 years, participants were asked to name the roles they valued most in their lives, including such things as parent, grandparent, aunt or uncle, friend, homemaker, provider, volunteer work, church member, etc.
In the follow-up study it was found that participants who were able to maintain a sense of control over the role most important to them were less likely to engage in unhealthy behaviors (smoking, drinking, obesity) and less likely to die prematurely. And, the research found, it was only the most important valued role that correlated with decline, not choices two and three.
By "having a sense of control," I imagine they mean being able to continue doing that. I also would imagine, unless your life has been different of mine, there's no sense assuming control over life in general. You've learned that by now!
Your most-valued role amounts to why you like being alive, or what makes life worth living. In other words, what matters to you.
The researchers suggest that psychological coping abilities "decline" with age. I suggest they can be bolstered, even increase by studying EQ, and a look ahead is an emotionally intelligent thing to do.
In my coaching work with clients in transition, the "transition" often amounts to the fact they've lost or been ousted from a role they enjoyed. Some were fired, some forced into retirement, others lost children prematurely, others are between parenting and grand parenting, and not "needed" by anyone in that special nurturing role.
How can you cope better? While life is about losses, it is equally about gains and wins. While you may be dumb-founded by an immediate loss, with time and Emotional Intelligence competencies, you can make the next step and find a new role. Resilience is one of the many EQ competencies and it means being able to bounce back after loss, failure, and defeat, while remaining hopeful and enthusiastic.
Somewhere there's a baby crying ... a group that needs managing ... an account that needs balancing. How you define your role is up to you. It's personal choice and that's what EQ is all about. You may no longer run Coca-Cola, but you can run the volunteer department of the local children's shelter.
We're so busy when we're young, and so many of the roles are proscribed, we can forget it's an open and flexible system.
Lamenting my "last baby," I was reminded by an older friend that she went weekly to the neonatal unit at the hospital and sat and rocked the newborns.
On a recent flight to Seattle, I met an 80 year old woman with her foster baby. She took newborns to their adoptive parents, usually a plane ride. There she was with infant seat, bottles, diaper bag, and the whole thing. How she did it physically I don't know. It must've been the drive of her heart, the satisfaction she got, and the physical condition she had to be in to do it. The heart will motivate.
Emotional Intelligence involves flexibility and being able to generate new solutions. Just as the teenager must one day have her first job, you will one day have to move into new territory. Re-creating roles is one thing you can do for better aging. If you are "stuck" on a certain definition and in the "yes, but" mode, consider something different.
CLIENT: I miss so much being a mother.
ME: Then go mother someone.
CLIENT: That's not the same thing. That's not being their REAL mother.
ME: Says who?
I have had, when working at the children's shelter, a child tell me, "I know you're my real mom." Yes, it's heart-rending. Yes, that's part of it. Wasn't it part of it the first time round?
As a volunteer director, I relied on many people who were starting new roles, and the more they considered it their job, their real job, the more helpful they were to me.
Managing the kitchen of the shelter can be as much a real management job as you make it, and if you think it isn't "real" and isn't needed, on what do you base your judgment? Does money have to change hands? There are other things to work for, and other rewards, and if being important is one of them, you will, if anything, be more important, because many volunteers call in at the slightest whim to cancel, or don't show up at all. They don't take it seriously. Taking things seriously is a personal decision and totally within your control.
Molly has "adopted" her niece and nephew by-marriage, who are very young and going through some very difficult times. Notice these people are not even related to her. With a newborn in the house, their toddler has been diagnosed with a heart defect, possibly terminal, and requiring lots of care, while one of their parents is also dying. No one told them Molly wasn't their mother. And believe me, no one asked for her credentials when she showed up at the door of this overwhelmed young couple.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Utopia of Now

Where am I running? What am I looking for? It seems like a funny idea and yet I, like many others, am running towards a utopia that I will never find. Sometimes I think that human beings are designed this way, programmed in constant search of a light at the end of the tunnel.
What does it take to live peacefully in the moment? How can I be fully satisfied with the status quo? Perhaps I need to live for today - accept life the way it is exactly at this moment and stop trying to change things. The universe is in constant change and yet all I really want to do is hold still - to be still in a moment where there is no fear, no pain, hurt, guilt or shame. Is this peaceful moment now? If it doesn't feel like it can I imagine it and then it will appear? If I imagine it is now - will it stay?
I am always advising others that no matter what our situation, we are always in full control of our own actions. Perhaps this peacefulness I seek is a choice. Maybe I have to choose to let the binding emotions go - to release fear, guilt, shame, anger, resentment and all other harmful emotions and just be still. Just exist in peace with myself regardless of where I am and what my circumstance.
Will this choice to allow peace in the moment have any impact on my destiny? If energy is always flowing then I always have energy inside of me. If my energy goes from negative to positive will my life change? My guess is yes - and I think the reason is simple:
1)LIKE ATTRACTS LIKE: If my energy is positive I have more positive energy coming in to my life. If negative energy surrounds me I will act as a magnet for more negative energy.
So how do I change my energy?
2)FOR EVERY ACTION, THERE IS AN EQUAL AND OPPOSITE REACTION: It takes incredible strength but I must exert only positive energy to change my life and re-establish the energy that surrounds me.
But here is the trap:
If I am in an abyss of negative energy I feel that I am stuck. I can't change my circumstance. I feel I am a victim of a curse - bad luck. It is easy for me to feel this way but as long as I do I am stuck.
So the question is - NO the CHALLENGE is how do I stake steps to change the energy that surrounds me from negative to positive?
The only thing that is for sure is that I am in full control of my own actions. Even the choice not to act is an action. Every choice I make is an action which I have full control over. I can change my situation by changing myself.
Until I change myself I will be stuck in my own curse.
This is why God brings people into my life to remind me of the choices that I have.
So the choice is simple: will I seek pay-back or pay it forward? Will I choose to feel anger or see the lesson to be learned? Will I act in a way that is selfish or selfless? Will I be a victim of my circumstances or a warrior fighting to achieve my goals? Will I choose to let small things bother me or will I choose to let them go? Will I throw a pity-party or believe that I am worthy of all the goodness, prosperity and blessings that God has to offer?